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Nali Weapons 3 - Release
Moderators: Muilkorfje, Killerbee, OmG.Fubar
Author Post
Sun Nov 04 2012, 04:12am
Registered Member #26
Joined: Tue Jan 17 2012, 01:46am
Posts: 7

Here it is, Nali Weapons 3 is finally released:
ZIP version: http://www.moddb.com/mods/nali-weapons-3/downloads/nali-weapons-3-client-zip-version
(or http://www.mediafire.com/?ww2vzoxfy5cyg0v )
UMOD version: http://www.moddb.com/mods/nali-weapons-3/downloads/nali-weapons-3-client-umod-version
(or http://www.mediafire.com/?7qd84n6gb9ng0x5 )

Also, if you own a server or want to host one for these weapons, there redirect files can be found here:
(or http://www.mediafire.com/?yxy174imtali49n )

Nuclear testing maps: http://www.moddb.com/mods/nali-weapons-3/addons/nuclear-test-maps
(or http://www.mediafire.com/?bdgei2ck5gi22pj )

I also made a "short" 6min video showing a glimpse on all available weapons and nukes (it's suggested to play it in HD):

I hope you enjoy it :)

[ Edited Fri Dec 07 2012, 01:52pm ]
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Sat Nov 10 2012, 02:56pm
Registered Member #1614
Joined: Mon Nov 05 2012, 01:58am
Posts: 2
All I can is WOW and REWOW!

Fantastic out of this work. It's more than a simple mod. It makes UT look like it's been outfitted with a brand new engine.

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Wed Nov 14 2012, 05:51am
Registered Member #5
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Fri Dec 07 2012, 01:32pm
Registered Member #26
Joined: Tue Jan 17 2012, 01:46am
Posts: 7

Well folks, I don't know if you remember about this project at all or not, but these are the reason why I started to work on Nali Weapons 3.
X-Vehicles was supposed to be a full vehicles pack for UT to complement NW3 (that's why this mod has vehicular mines, T-missiles and plenty of nukes).

However, notice the word "was"..... yeah, it won't happen anymore. This vehicle mod won't be finished since I am going to leave the UT modding scene this year, and move on to more serious things such as UDK, as NW3 online success wasn't as great so for me is rather pointless to do anything beyond it.

But fear not, within some weeks I will release the final version of NW3 with fixes and a few addons AND X-Vehicles as well as they were 2 years ago.
By then I will give more details (and a video), but basically this vehicles pack doesn't have any online support, lacks proper physics, AI and HUD, besides having a few bugs (again, the last time I touched them was 2 years ago, so not the best visuals nor coding), but they can still be used to toy around and build SP maps with no online support in mind though.

Also, my NW3 Dropbox mirrors are now down (your fault for downloading too much :P), so if you need mirrors (because GameFront excluded your country or so), then I already added more mirrors to the first post (from MediaFire).

In a last note: the ModDB MOTY (Mod Of The Year) is now running, so if you think this mod is worthy, I would appreciate a vote :)
http://www.moddb.com/mods/nali-weapons-3 (scroll down, it's the first big green button you see, no registration needed)

Also, it's highly encouraged to vote for other UT mods from other authors if you like them as well:
http://www.moddb.com/mods?filter=t&game=5 (the same way: just select the mod(s) you like and vote on them, it would be nice to have at least one UT mod in the top100 MOTY this year)

Thanks :)

[ Edited Fri Dec 07 2012, 01:38pm ]
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Thu Apr 18 2013, 12:05pm
Registered Member #26
Joined: Tue Jan 17 2012, 01:46am
Posts: 7
Just dropping a small update on this (screenshots below).
I already finished a whole new gore system, and I am now finishing the final documentation which will cover all the info to configure the mod, and also for potential developers to know how certain things were done or/and potentially reuse them for something else in their own stuff.

After it, I am going to make a new weapon:
- The Overloader: what I think to be an original concept (at least I didn't see it anywhere):
sacrificing a weapon to access their ressurection/overloaded form, for example:
the sacrifice of the FlameTracker is supposed to summon a brief highly destructive volcanic eruption or something similar.
Having that said, you can imagine what kind of "overloaded/ressurected" forms will occur for other weapons (including nukes).
(in short, this is going to be the "magic" weapon of the pack and it's obviouslly categorized as a "super weapon" like the Redeemer)

Then after that I will be able to finally release the final version of this mod (with fixes and new content).

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Sun Apr 21 2013, 11:53pm

Registered Member #2
Joined: Sun Dec 18 2011, 10:19pm
Posts: 29
wow what a bloodbath... :)
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Thu Feb 27 2014, 01:03am
Registered Member #5
Joined: Tue Dec 20 2011, 03:30am
Posts: 174
NW3 final release!
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